I wanted to start this blog to share how wonderful and how challenging life as a mom can be! It is so nice to know that your not alone in the struggles you face or even the joys you get to experience as a mom! Hopefully anyone who shares this with me can take comfort in knowing that you are, in fact, not alone and so many other moms can relate to the way you feel...even if they are too afraid to admit it! Let's face it, we all want to raise our children to be wonderful and well respected individuals! The fact is, there was no book of instructions that came with them at birth, and their all born with their own individuality! To achieve that desired result, we must go through a lot of trial and error and learn from the good and bad choices we make along the way! We all make mistakes and that's ok! We all also make brilliant choices sometimes that we don't even see immediate results from, but when we do see the results it's incredibly rewarding!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Competing For Noise!

So even with 3 DVD players and 4 screens in my van I still hear crying, screaming, and arguing! Forget ever hearing the radio! I don't think I could name a single top 40 hit right now if I tried! It's as though there is this underlying agreement between my 4 kids that as long as all of them are in the van at the same time...make mommy crazy! If I only have 1, 2 or sometimes even 3 kids in the van there is silence...other than the sound of their DVD players, but put all 4 in and complete chaos!

So today, after I picked up my older two from Karate class, we headed out on our 25 minute drive home...here in the south 25 minutes isn't considered to be much of a drive! My 7 month old just decided he was going to scream as loud as he possibly could for no other reason, other than he wanted to be held! After listening to him for 5 minutes, by 2 year old decided she wanted out of her carseat and NOW! She starts screaming "Out momma out! whaaaaaa!!!!" Then AJ is yelling at Ansley to be quiet and stop screaming! All the while I am trying to talk to my mom on the phone! How my mom didn't just hang up or even gently let me go, is beyond me! She must have been enjoying the sounds of payback! Two minutes before we pulled into the driveway...silence! I probably should have kept driving...

I guess the miserable car ride wasn't enough! When we got home I realized it was time for Austin's bath. I had to use the restroom first, so i set him down and had to hear him scream while I used the bathroom and then to fill his tub! As I am filling his tub and he is screaming, Ansley trips over my flat iron cord and falls on her face, so now she is screaming! Once I get Austin in the tub he starts crying again (not sure why because he loves his bath), then Ansley screams and cries because she wants to help bathe Austin! FINALLY, after Austin's bath, I hear no whining...for all of 30 seconds! AJ happened to be laying on the floor behind Aleigh when she decided to throw her head back and slam it into his cheek bone(it was accidental)! He immediately reacts by slamming her head down and pushing all of his weight on her head! Now I have ALL 4 kids crying because two are hurt, I am scolding AJ for reacting the way he did to an accident but still trying to comfort him because he is hurt...but Aleigh's hurt too, Austin is tired, hungry, and wanting to be held, and Ansley decides I need to be holding her as well! I froze and we all sat on the floor of AJ's bedroom until everyone pulled it together....including me!

I finally get everyone downstairs, look at the clock, and realize it's 7:30 and we haven't had dinner...haven't even thought about dinner or the fact that we have no food in the house! I was grateful to spot a pizza coupon for a large pizza for only$6.99! I call and order the pizza and opt to pick it up since it's right around the corner and cheaper than delivery. Then I go to feed Austin, he falls asleep! Now how...and WHY would I wake him up to go pick up a pizza just around the corner?! I choose to put him in his bed and call the pizza place to change it from carryout to delivery. FINALLY...I can sit down w/ the kids and wait for our dinner to knock on the door! Pizza arrives, I set a plate out for the kids, grab a plate for me, serve drinks, and THE SECOND I sit down...Austin is screaming! FORGET ABOUT IT! This little baby boy of mine is usually SUCH a wonderful and pleasant baby...WHAT IS HIS DEAL today?! I was hungry, tired, frustrated, and incredibly overwhelmed when I realized Austin was going to be difficult no matter what I did...unless I was holding him. So, after knowing he was well fed, changed and had no other issue other than having to be incredibly tired...I layed him in his bed...he cried, but eventually went to sleep!

I am so tired, and should go to bed but I feel as though I have to sit here and enjoy the fact that my time is MY TIME right now...don't want to waste it by sleeping when I can watch my shows, read, catch up on emails, do online research....or blog!

1 comment:

  1. Steph- I love that you started a new blog! I'm sorry you had a tough night, I don't know how you do it. I have to admit it made me smile, because it makes me feel better and not alone. We often have those tough times in our home as well. And a lot of times I feel like no one understands how hard it is to raise these children when really every mother knows. I hope you have a better day and a fun summer! LOL!
