I wanted to start this blog to share how wonderful and how challenging life as a mom can be! It is so nice to know that your not alone in the struggles you face or even the joys you get to experience as a mom! Hopefully anyone who shares this with me can take comfort in knowing that you are, in fact, not alone and so many other moms can relate to the way you feel...even if they are too afraid to admit it! Let's face it, we all want to raise our children to be wonderful and well respected individuals! The fact is, there was no book of instructions that came with them at birth, and their all born with their own individuality! To achieve that desired result, we must go through a lot of trial and error and learn from the good and bad choices we make along the way! We all make mistakes and that's ok! We all also make brilliant choices sometimes that we don't even see immediate results from, but when we do see the results it's incredibly rewarding!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So, our 2 year old has a very strong personality! She is so full of character that you just never can predict what will be next with her!

Recently my husband took her with him to the gym and put her in the child care for an hour. We have never had a problem with her or heard any complaints regarding her behavior. Well, when Joe picked her up on this particular day, the woman working in the child care said that she had to put Ansley in time out for hitting and pushing! This, obviously, upset both Joe and I! However, punishing a child after the fact, when they no longer remember isn't always that effective. So, we talked to her about how hitting and pushing were things we don't do to anyone! It seemed to stick...more than we expected actually!

The next day as we were walking out the door to go to the gym, Ansley said "No hitting, no pushing! I be nice and play!" We were proud of her for remembering w/out us having to remind her! This was over 2 weeks ago and we haven't had any other hitting or pushing episodes!

Well...Ansley LOVES her baby brother (Austin) and wants to do everything for him! We love this, but sometimes it gets exhausting! She wants to feed him when were feeding him, wipe him when he's had a stinky diaper, clean his face and arms AND legs with a thousand wipes, and roll around on the floor with him! Sometimes she gets way too aggressive with him!

On this particular day, I was sitting in the chair while Austin was on the floor near my feet. Ansley comes over and picks up the overalls that I had previously taken off of Austin, throws them over his head and the buckle hit him just right across the eye! He starts crying and I pushed her back, grabbed the overalls and told her "No ma'am! You don't throw things! You hurt Austin!" Well she picks her pointer finger up to my face and shouts "No mommy! No pushing! We no push!!!" Well...what do ya do! She not only remembered, she threw it back in my face!!! I then had to say "We don't push! Thats right, but mommy needed you to move away from Austin! You hurt him! We don't throw things because we can hurt people!" I also explained that she cannot talk to mommy that way! She then repeats "No push me mommy! Push not nice!" AAAGGGHHHH!!! I was stumped! She was right, but she was wrong for hurting Austin! Of course I made her give Austin kisses and hugs and apologize! Can't get anything past her!

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